Why Aikido?
Our lives are more hectic than ever. We need to find balance. To be grounded so that we can face the challenges that life throws at us with the confidence that comes from awareness of ourselves and our surroundings. Aikido training unifys body, mind, and spirit. Aikido is more than a martial art: It is a martial path (budo) that teaches life lessons that individuals and communities need more than ever. Discover for yourself how Aikido can provide practical benefits in your life!

Why Studio Ki?
A “studio” is an intimate space where one studies an art deeply and with purpose. “Ki” is the energy of the universe that we learn to channel through our practice.
At Studio Ki, we are committed to studying Aikido principles rigorously so that we may apply them in every aspect of our lives.
This is the foundation of Practical Aikido for Life.
Studio Ki welcomes students dedicated to sincere training in the budo of Aikido. We value the path and the lessons it teaches through hard work and discipline. And we recognize our responsibility to support each other along the way.
When you're ready to move and grow, contact Sensei to begin your membership application.
Studio Ki meets in the Marcelle Athletic Complex (MAC) at Siena College.
Studio Ki is not affiliated with Siena College.
Meet Cooper Sensei
Tim Cooper sensei is a fifth-degree black belt and experienced instructor in Aikido. He has trained for over 30 years in the Aikikai Federation with many of the world’s top Aikido shihan (master instructors), including direct students of the founder of Aikido, Ueshiba Morihei (O-Sensei).
Cooper sensei lived in Japan for 10 years, where he trained at the World Headquarters Aikido (Hombu) dojo in Tokyo. His principle instructors have included Isoyama Hiroshi Shihan (8th dan), Yasuno Masatoshi Shihan (8th dan), and Shibata Ichiro Shihan (8th dan).

Cooper sensei taking ukemi from Isoyama shihan in Japan, 1997
Cooper sensei earned his M.A. in East Asian Studies from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, and his Ph.D. in History from the University of California at Berkeley. He is an Assistant Professor of History at Siena College, where he teaches classes on the history of Japan, the samurai, and martial arts.
Cooper sensei has taught students of all ages and skill levels for over twenty years. He is the Chief Instructor at Studio Ki, as well as the Chief Aikido Instructor and Faculty Advisor to the Siena Martial Arts Club.